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Arts & Danse dans la nature

Juillet 27 - Août 5, 2017

9 jours de focus sur différentes approches de pratique somatique pour nous reconnecter avec la nature que nous sommes tous.


Notre principal thème d'exploration est le corps humain vivant dans sa complétude comprenant: états et émotions, sensations, mouvement, conscience, notre connection avec la nature et l'environnement.

Il y aura 2 ateliers qui nous emmèneront dans un parcours de mouvement somatique pour se plonger intensivement dans un apprentissage expérienciel à travers le mouvement et des pratiques de conscience corporelle, ainsi que des classes ouvertes.

Partie I : 27 Juil - 1 Août

Butoh & Deep Contact dans la Nature

avec Carey Jeffries & Fabienne Menjucq

Partie II : 2 Août 10am - 5 Août 8pm

Intensif "Expression Naturelle "

avec Uma Clapdorp, Melody Sacco, Sonja Bruhlmann, Gabriel Kissling, Ben Julian

Il est possible de participer à l'événement dans son ensemble ou bien à Partie I or Partie II uniquement

Partie I : 27 Juil - 1 Août

commence le 28 Juil  10am

repos le 1er Août avec présentations solo en soirée

Butoh & Deep Contact dans la Nature

avec Carey Jeffries & Fabienne Menjucq


This week uses personal creative process to create performances. We will work with an intensive daily training exploring dance on several levels using the techniques of Butoh, Contact Improvisation and Instantaneous Composition (even a fusion of the three known as Deep Contact). 


We will use different tools to warm up the body so that it is fully available and in harmony with the mind and soul. Yoga  (Yin, Vinyasa & Partner) Pranayama (breathing) and meditation,  Massages  (Thaï & Body Weather manipulation) Nature walks and performance in the fields & lake, will help us to get connected to our vegetal, mineral and animal states and energies which can open new dimensions to inspire our dance. 


According to your creative tendencies other medias can be used (such as drawing & painting, photography, video, live music etc). These materials will be put to the service of the dance. This workshop is addressed to all people with a basic experience in dance and bodywork wishing to explore their artistic and gestural creativity. You will develop the techniques proposed and share the explorative energy of the group.


Carey Jeffries & Fabienne Menjucq reunite their practices and rich experiences to guide you during a intense, profound and creative week. Dancers, artists and yoga teachers, massage Thai and healing energy pratictioners they are the founders of Studio Keller & Maison Keller, Paris.  

For more information please see our sites  and


To contact  33 (0) 6 81 64 95 04    or  33 (0) 6 33 49 36 87 

Studio Keller, 1 rue Keller, 75011 Paris



Partie II : 2 Août 10am - 5 Août 8pm

Intensif "Expression Naturelle "

avec Uma Clapdorp, Melody Sacco, Sonja Bruhlmann, Gabriel Kissling, Ben Julian


L' Intensif offre l'opportunité d'explorer differentes Practiques Somatiques et Expressions Artistiques en connection avec la nature et l'environnement.
L' intensif sera co-facilité par différents enseignants et chaque jour portera un thème d'exploration spécifique.

Les matinées seront dédiées à une remise en fréquence et réveil du corps et de nos sens avec différentes techniques. Les après-midis et soirées nous emmèneront plus profondément dans un parcours thématique ou autre exploration artistique. Nous visiterons Body Mind Centering, Méditation, Danse Sensible, performance, Mouvement Authentique, Contact, Improvisation, Dessin , composition d'objets à partir de matériaux naturels, Rituels.
A partir de cette exploration nous souhaitons créer un parcours expressif pour notre expérience individuelle et collective par le biais de mouvement et autres media avec un partage le samedi 5 Août avant le repas du soir.

Melody Shantala Sacco: Dancing Inside-Out


This workshop is an invitation to  explore and discover how our amazing body moves and works. We will start from inspiring anatomical landscapes to motivate kinesthetic explorations towards embodied awareness and improvisation practice. We will tune in our senses and slide along our skin, dive into our inner and outer environment, turn all inside out and than let our bones, tissues, blood and organs inform our movement and dance. We will spend some time in the studio and some outside to observe how the nature inside us is also a reflection of outer nature. The teaching is informed by Body Mind Centering, experiential anatomy, creative dance, CI and bodywork. 


About Melody:

Melody (Shantala Sacco) has a background in Painting and Art and a formal training in Dance-Theatre (Italy). She moved to London in 2004 where dance became her first source of creativity and research. She received a Postgraduate qualification in Community Dance at Laban and graduated in the SME program of Body Mind Centering. Spiritual embodiment and enquiry have great significance in her life.

She has worked as a freelance dance teacher internationally and  taught in several schools and dance educational institutions, supporting and encouraging children and adults of all ages and abilities to move and express themselves through their bodies. 


After becoming a mother her interests moved more into somatic movement and embodiment practice. In Melody's view movement and touch are natural human fundamental needs and her wish is to support women and people to connect more deeply with their soul and to live and express their true nature fully.


"Appreciation of our own self and the space we live in, leads to awareness and appreciation of the earth and a desire to preserve the place where we live"

Mobile +34617599029

Uma Laurence Clapdorp: Sensitive Dance with Nature

This 5-day workshop is an invitation to enter into a natural state of listening, become intimate with our innermost movements and discover the responses and resources that become available when we start there. We will use the structures of Sensitive Dance to guide us through an evolutionary journey and poetic/ritual practices, while receiving support and inspiration from Nature all around, and giving presence to each other. As the fruit of our sensations, emotions and movement, we will invite the expression of our own unique dance to emerge in the present moment.

"Each time I have taken part in one of Laurence's classes, I have journeyed deep into my being and emerged nourished and connected. She holds a very beautiful space for conscious movement both inside and out in nature. I would wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is seeking somatic congruence." Tara Hazel Loveridge

About Uma:

I am passionate about conscious movement and continually exploring the themes of presence, flow, connection, intimacy, inner voice and relationship.   My work is rooted in Sensitive Dance which I have practiced for 15 years and trained in with Claude Coldy. I am a School of Being teacher, trained in Living Tantra with Jan Day.  
I am also a Free The Inner Voice Facilitator (Nikki Slade) and a Thai Massage practitioner.

Mobile +447533132169

Prix de l'événement:
  • Partie I ou Partie II:  Prix juste = 250 EUR / Budget serré = 200 EUR

  • Evénement complet:  FPrix juste = 450 EUR / Budget serré = 400 EU

S'il vous plaît,  jugez par vous même, nous vous encourageons de choisir le budget serré si vous en avez vraiment besoin. 

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